You will be starting your own site on which to host content from this class and anything else you want to discuss. You’ll receive instructions in class. You can use any platform you’d like but WordPress is recommended. Assignments will be posted here and student sites will be linked here, as well.

Some notes about posts:

A good post for this class engages the readings (as many as are relevant; multiple) in addition to stating any opinions. The best posts make connections across readings, either from the same night or over the course of the class. They don’t have to be lengthy, but when you reference an author or piece, be sure to include the name and year either in parentheses or in the paragraph. Good posts also take advantage of the hypertext and visual aspects of the Web, so make sure every post has relevant links and images and/or embedded video. There are lots of outside resources for you to reference.
Setting Up a WordPress site:


List of Student Sites