
Great job last night getting underway with the class. I look forward to working with all of you throughout this quick summer session. We have a wide range of experiences and interests in the group. Here’s what you need to do for tomorrow, Tues., for your online assignments.

  • Watch the videos and read all the items on the Outline  for Tues., July 9th. The Weaving the Web piece is the handout I provided. In addition, watch the Did you Know 4.0 and The Machine is Us/ing Us videos from July 8 that we didn’t have time to watch in class. We’ll finish the History of the Internet and Web video in class on Wed.
  • Start your WordPress blog. Make sure you get a theme and play with the general settings. You can add any additional pages that you’d like. We will discuss widgets and other features later. Make your first blog post on this topic:
  • For your first post, write some introductory comments, a short paragraph or two about yourself, and then discuss your definition of new media. Be sure to engage the reading, make connections, as well as provide your own opinion. Include relevant links, images, embedded video.
  • Do this post by 9pm tomorrow night, Tues., July 9.
  • Join Twitter and LinkedIn, if you aren’t already on them. You should have done your social media baseline assessment and gotten your Klout score in class. Save that info for us to discuss and to compare at the end of the session.

We’ll discuss all of this in class on Wed.

I’ll send more info about the news assignments tomorrow.

Familiarize yourself with the website, the course outline, the course policies, and let me know if you have any questions.

See you at 6pm on Wed!

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